
The school Library acts as a knowledge bank with stocks of books ranging from fictional to non-fictional, literature to reference, English,Sanskrit, Hindi & Malayalam, accessible to both teachers and students.Periodicals and dailies in English, Hindi and Malayalam too are subscribed to. It serves as a resource centre of learning catering to the needs of students and teachers

Weekly library periods are set from standard I to XII to promote the use of library resources and introducing self-learning methods amongst the students. ‘Newspaper in education’ is a programme undertaken to provide the students opportunities in getting in touch with the day-to-day information resources and happenings around.

A specific time of 15 minutes is allotted daily for compulsory reading exercise for the entire school, with the idea of promoting reading habit effectively. The creativity, understanding, information and involvement find its expression in the class magazines brought out by each class.

Book Exhibitions and Book week celebrations are organized every year for the effective use of all types of library materials.

  1. All the students and members of the staff are expected to use the school library regularly.
  2. To develop the reading habit for the students are period every week is allotted to all classes.
  3. Students are allowed to borrow only one book at a time and retain them for a period of two weeks.
  4. Reference books may not be taken out of the library.
  5. If student’s books are not returned to the library on the due date, a fine of Rs.5/- per day will be imposed.
  6. Students are required to examine the books at the time of borrowing and report to the librarian any damage, loss of pages, pictures etc, noticed. Avoid marking, underlining or defacing the books.
  7. Students are not permitted to pass on the book to others.
  8. The school library is computerized to help the students to know the availability of the books in the library. The Encyclopedias and other curriculum- based topics are available on CD’s in the Audio Visual Room.