Rules And Regulations

Withdrawal / Refunds From School

  • Parents must submit a written request and provide one month notice for any of the above withdrawals.
  • T.Cs will be issued only after settlement of all dues.
  • Once a child is admitted, the fees will not be refunded.


  • We stress the importance of regular attendance at school. Ensure that your child is regular and punctual.
  • In the event of the student being late to school or absent from school, the absence record in the diary must be filled in and sent upon his/her return to school. We urge parents to have all absences documented in the school diary. If a student needs to be away from school for an extended period (more than 2 - 3 days) it requires a request letter from the parent / guardian prior to the absence. The student’s name will be struck off the rolls if he or she remains absent for more than 14 consecutive days.
  • The school does not encourage children to be taken early or brought late to the school. In case it is unavoidable the parent must make a note to the class teacher. While taking a child early from school a gate pass is to be collected from the class teacher duly signed by the Principal.

General Rules

  • Students should come to the school on time. Late comers will be sent back.Text books and note books will be provided by the school. Parents will however be asked to provide materials needed for projects given to them are submitted in time.
  • Students are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings.
  • It is mandatory to speak English while in the school campus and school bus.
  • Use of bad language / gestures, swearing and such inappropriate communication is strictly prohibited.
  • School property must be respected and cared for. Any damage must be reported to the Class teacher immediately. Students responsible for the damage are liable to pay the compensation.
  • Money, items such as cell phones, cassettes, CDs, toys, cards, video games, cameras, chewing gums, fire crackers etc. should not be brought to school unless specifically asked for by the teachers.
  • Students premises should be kept neat and tidy. Dust bins are provided for used paper and waste materials.
  • For birthdays, students can wear casual clothes.
  • Give all complaints in writing.
  • Go through the diary daily, see that it is brought to school every day. It is an excellent channel of communication. The school expects your wholehearted participation in all the school functions and workshops conducted by the school.


  • Students can expect a change of division every year in all classes from I to IX. List of students in each class will be posted in our website before the re-opening day.
  • From time to time you will get information about the activities at the school through News Letters and Circulars.

Disciplinary Actions

Breaking any of the school rules / dress code will entail disciplinary action in the following stages.

1st stage  Verbal warning
2nd stage  Intimation to parents by the teacher
3rd stage  Meeting of the teacher by the parent
4th stage  Meeting of parent or guardian with the Principal

Further offences will be dealt with severely through suspension or dismissal.

The Principal reserves the right to compel the parents to withdraw their wards for the following reasons.

  • Bad conduct
  • Unsatisfactory academic progress
  • Irregular attendance

In subordination to school authorities